Scientia Transexualis
We Will Not Focus on the Meta-Structure
Sometimes Idiosyncratically Conceptualized
A Criterion Refers to Nonconformity
The Heart of the Problem
The McCarthy Era and Its Anti-Sexual Bias
A Still Increasing Unreliability of Collected Data
Sissy Boy Syndrome
Seven inkjet prints (3D Glasses Not Provided). 24”x31”. 2021.
“The history of sexuality … must first be written from the viewpoint of a history of discourses.” Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Volume 1.
I want to play with discourse like a game, load it down with cheap gimmicks, cut it up and turn it into a parody of itself. This is a companion piece to the multimedia performance/installation also titled Scientia Transexualis. These collages combine photographed reproductions of illustrations from The Anatomy Coloring Book with Peggy T. Cohen-Kettenis and Friedemann Pfäfflin’s article “The DSM Diagnostic Criteria for Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescents and Adults” from Volume 39 of Archives of Sexual Behavior. Rendered in fabulous 3D!
Exhibition History
2022. Scientia Transexualis (Solo Exhibition), Grant Hall Gallery, Las Vegas, NV.