Scientia Transexualis
A Performance in Seven Movements
Put Up the Dough or You Don’t Get a Show
Laugh While You’re Takin’ It
Lecture for an Imagined Audience
Intermission (Y’all Better Quiet Down)
Second Skin Game
I Don’t Even Have Office Hours Today
Touch Me With My Clothes On
2021. Performance with two-channel video, backdrop, white sheets, projector, television monitor, hardback copy of The Kinsey Institute New Report on Sex, amplifier, microphone, stage lights, boombox, overhead projector, film transparencies, condoms, scissors, surgical gown, nitrile gloves, embroidered bikini, and scrubs. Dimensions variable. Approx. 45 minutes.
AT LAST! We have invented a NEW KIND of PLEASURE! The pleasure of KNOWING! The pleasure of THE TRUTH! The pleasure of DISCOVERING it and EXPOSING it! The pleasure of CAPTIVATING and CAPTURING others by it! Of CONFIDING it in secret! Of LURING it out into the open! The specific pleasure of TRUE DISCOURSE!
Now! WATCH! Michel Foucault go to the sideshow! SEE! Silvia Rivera on Jerry Springer! READ! The DSM in fabulous 3D (glasses available for an additional cost)! PAY! Out of pocket! LEARN the scientia transexualis! The knowledge of transsexuality! To KNOW it is to have POWER over it! The walls of power are closing in! And how! Act now! Don’t touch that dial - THE BATHING SUIT SEGMENT IS NEXT!
Now on the issue of gender reassignment, this I assume involves castration and removing all the evidence of male genitalia, so…? It sounds awful doesn’t it? [audience laughter] It hurts me just asking the question. [laughter, applause] This class examines transgender identity through the lens of Michel Foucault’s concept of scientia sexualis. Issues of dehumanization through medical, sexual, and commercial discourses will be explored through: 1) Video; 2) Projected collage; 3) Installation; 4) A multimedia entertainment extravaganza (attendance mandatory). Students will synthesize discourses into methods of subversion. Prerequisites may be required. Hot transsexuals are waiting to chat in YOUR area. Click here. I don’t even have office hours today.
Exhibition History
2022. Scientia Transexualis (Solo Exhibition), Grant Hall Gallery, Las Vegas, NV.